Paul's Biography
Paul Schirduan is a veteran and served enlisted for four years in this United States Air Force space program, four years in the United States Navy in the Engineer and Scientist Development Program, US Patent and Trademark Office, and US Dept of State in Moscow, Canada, and Paris for 25 years of service in the US government. Paul has a master of science in Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech and a master of science in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University in Washington DC. Paul was a Pearson Fellow to the US Senate servicing on the Homeland Security and the Foreign Relations Committee meeting including issues concerning immigration and Benghazi. Paul is the former Vice President on the Lin-Wood Childcare Center Board and Treasurer at the American Legion Post 83 and helps toddlers ski in the winter at the Kanc.

Voted To Increase Spending 13%, Raise Taxes By $400 Million, And Create A Massive Deficit At The End Of The Two Year Budget (HB1)
Voted For A State Income Tax (HB 712)
Voted To Repeal Crucial Voter Integrity Laws (HB105)
Voted To Weaken Our Voter Laws (HB106)
Voted To Force Businesses To Pay An Unsustainable State Minimum Wage (HB186)
Voted To Raise Taxes On New Hampshire Employers. (HB623)
Voted For A Devastating Capital Gains Tax. (HB686)
Voted Against Banning A State Income Tax (CACR12)
Voted For A Disastrous Income Tax (SB1)
Voted To Give New Hampshire Licenses To Illegal Immigrants (HB397)
Voted To Ban Plastic Straws (HB558)
Voted For A 10 Cent Fee On Plastic Bags (HB560)
Voted To Establish Local Taxes On Hotels And Room Rentals (HB641)
Voted For Over 20 New Or Increased Fees (HB682)
Voted YES For Red Flag Legislation To Infringe On Your Second Amendment Rights (HB687)
Voted YES To Give Bureaucrats Power Over The Redistricting Process (CACR9)
Voted To Weaken Our State's Voter Integrity (SB7)
Voted To Raise Taxes During A Global Pandemic (Vote 167)
Voted To Use CARES Act Funds To Undermine Voter Integrity And Put Our Clean And Fair Elections At Risk.
Voted To Institute A Devastating Minimum Wage Hike On Businesses During Pandemic